• Return of the vehicle after the rental.

  • Can I return the vehicle outside of working hours?

  • How can I pay for the car rental service?

  • In case of vehicle damage, how much and how is the damage paid?

  • When can I expect my deposit back?

  • Is a driver's license required to book?
  • How old do you need to be to rent a car?
  • Da li je potrebna vozačka dozvola za rezervaciju?
  • Koliko godina treba imati za najam rent a car vozila?
  • How to reserve the desired vehicle?
  • After making the reservation.
  • Kako rezervisati željeno vozilo?
  • Nakon uradjene rezervacije.
  • Can the vehicle be picked up at a location other than the branch office?
  • What credit cards do you accept?
  • Da li se vozilo može preuzeti na drugoj lokaciji osim poslovnice?
  • Koje kreditne kartice prihvatate?
  • If a traffic accident occurs during the rental, what to do?
  • If the vehicle breaks down, what should I do?
  • Ukoliko u toku najma dodje do saobraćajne nezgode, šta uraditi?
  • Ukoliko dođe do kvara na vozilu, šta uraditi?
  • Return of the vehicle after the rental.
  • Can I return the vehicle outside of working hours?
  • Povratak vozila nakon najma.
  • Mogu li vozilo vratiti van radnog vremena?